Tuesday, June 24

12 months and 3 years

Wow. I have one year olds. How did this happen? Where has time gone? I think about this time last year often. I had brand new, two week old babies. The crib was in our room at the bottom of the bed and Angie and I were just really getting our nightly routine down. One baby would rustle awake and then the next. We both wake up, turn on our lights and get ready for our up every 2 hour night. I got hooked up to the breast pump, Angie handed me a baby to feed, and she fed the other. Change diapers and put back to bed. AND repeat. How is it this feels like yesterday and was already ONE YEAR AGO?!

Seth Harrison- My sweet sweet dragon. Yes, dragon. You have aquired this quirky nickname as you screech and yell like a little dragon. However, mostly these days your a referred to as Sethy Boo. You big brother calls you that. You are my sweet, kind, snuggly boy. Your dimples and toothless smile get me every time. That's right... toothless. You still only have two bottom teeth! The top four are so close to coming in, but just hasn't happened yet. Walking is so close as well. You stand alone and take 3-4 steps by yourself. You are tall and skinny and have big hands and feet. We think you will be taller than your big brother some day. Wearing size 3 diapers, 12 months pants and 12-18 month tops. You LOVE to eat. You are more of a picky eater than sister but we think it is because you still only have a few teeth so some foods are tough to eat. You have really starting "talking" these past few weeks. Lots of noise and sounds which make no sense, but completely adorable. You are also very good at imitating words you hear..my little parrot. You like to wave and get a lot of amusement out of spinning around in circles on your booty. Still are having 3 bottles a day with 6-9 oz of milk in them. We started adding in cows milk to the formula and you don't seem to mind it. You still sleep pretty good. Go to bed around 730-800 and wake up at 700. Take one hour morning nap and two hour afternoon nap.

Eleanor Reece- Eenie beanie, Ensie beansie, Reecie Piecie. My little princess. You have become quite the spit fire this past month. I guess you have to be tough and have some attitude with two brothers to put up with. You are one gorgeous girl. Your big green eyes are so beautiful and those lashes show them off. You have six teeth and when you smile you can only see your top two! You have been slower to want to stand and walk but seem to be catching back up to your brother. You can stand and take a few steps by yourself. You have gotten really good at pushing your walking toy and can get around the whole house holding onto it. You love to eat fruit. Watermelon is a current favorite. You are wearing size 3 diaper and 12-18 month pants and tops. You love to sleep and are a good sound sleeper. In bed 730-800 and up 730-800 ish. Take a 1-2 hour morning nap and a two hour afternoon nap. You still have 3 6-8oz bottles a day. You love to say "HI" and wave at your brothers every morning. I'm also almost certain when you say mama, you know who you are talking about. It melts my heart. You are definetly a mamas girl. You have had some "stranger danger" issues lately and only want mommy or I. I know you will grow out of it but I secretly love it.

Cameron Kai- You continue to surprise and amaze me every day. You are the best big brother ever and love your siblings. You make them laugh and smile daily. You have been holding their hands and helping them walk and getting them un-stuck when the run into corners with their walkers. Your brain is a spongue and I sometimes can't believe the things you remember or say. You still love going to school and talk constantly about Paulette, Keesha and your friends. You also apparently have a little girlfriend named Zoey. Slow down there kiddo. You learn a lot there and come home with great arts and crafts that you are so proud of. Here are some things you say and do that I don't want to forget about this age.
- The way you say Mud and Bug. Muuuuddddd . Buuuuuugg.
- How you add "s" on all foods. "Lets get popcorns and icecreams"
- "I pat weiner now" after going potty
- "SethybooEenie" when referring to both your brother and sister
- You can sing ABCs and count to 10
- You know every single name of the trains on Thomas the train
- " I love you so much mama". Love sounds like "luuh"
- Blowing drying my hair one day and you come in and say "Whats going on in here mama?"
- You know the names of all the kids in your class. ( Some the first and last names)
- When you were going poopy on potty you told me "Go on mama, get out of here. Go tuck mommy in"
- Your sensitive if mama or mommy get hurt and ask us if we got boo boo and are ok.
- You call the kitties Mot-c-core and Mo.
There are so many more things, but these are a few. I'm so proud to be your mama. You are growing up to be such a sweet, caring, funny little kid.

Saturday, May 10

11 Months

How is this even possible. 7 months ago if you would have told me I would make to this point and love every second of it, I would think you were a big kidder. These babies are at such a fun age and I can't get enough of them. I don't want to leave them to go to work, I don't want them to nap or even go to sleep. I'm soaking up every moment I can and just obsessed with them.

Eleanor 11 Months- You still prove to be the easiest, even tempered baby. From the minute you wake up to the time you go to bed, you have a smile on your face. You are going to get anything you want with that sweet smile. You have added four more teeth to it which makes your even cuter ( if that is even possible). You still pull up on anything you can reach and are cruising around the furniture. You aren't too interested in trying to stand or walk because your crawling skills are suburb. You still have sweet chubbs for thighs but I feel like you are starting to thin out the more mobile you get. You clap, play peak-a-boo and are content playing by your self for long periods of time. You wear size 12 month clothes and size 3 diaper. You could definitely wear a size 4 but little brother is a 3, so you squeeze.  You say "HI" every morning when we get you up from sleeping. You still sleep like a champ from 7:45- 07:00 and take two naps! I love you sweet punkin.

Seth 11 months- My little turtle. Teething has been tough of you these past few weeks but you are finally back to your normal self. You ought to be getting teeth soon but as of now you still only have your two bottom teeth. Your mom and I both think you are going to be the biggest/tallest out of all your siblings because your head is huge and your feet and hands are big! You finally are enjoying sleeping! I thought this day would never come. You sleep like a rock from 7:45- 07:00 and take two naps a day! Sleeping makes for a happier baby. You want to eat all the time and would snack all day if we let you. You are so close to walking. You can push around walker by yourself and walk holding my hands. I think you will be close by your first birthday. You love to clap and dance! You wear 9-12 months clothes and size 3 diaper. You are so silly and make me laugh every day. I love you baby boo.

Just for my reference I thought I would write out their 11 month old schedule

07:00-07:30-  Wake up and eat 8 oz bottle
07:30-08:15- Diaper changes, get dressed for the day and playtime
8:30-09:00- Breakfast. Usually a waffle and some fruit/oatmeal
09:00-09:30- Play time
9:30-11:00/11:30- Nap time
12:00- 8 oz bottle, change diapers
12:15-1300- Play time
1300-1330 Lunch time. Usually you have what Cameron eats (in small bites) and pureed veggies
1400-1500/1530- Nap time
1530-1645- Play time, change diapers
1645/1700-1730- Dinner time. Leftovers from whatever you had for breakfast and lunch.
1730-1845- Play time.
1845-1930- Get ready to bed, bath time, pjs, books and lotion
1945- 8 oz bottle to straight to bed.

Play time= trying to get anything done around the house, entertain Cameron and babies, prepare food, clean up food.

Its crazy here at the Fincher household folks, and we love it.

Easter... A month late

I had the greatest intent when starting up my blogging again. I thought it would be a great outlet to just write about nothing and remind myself of the whirlwind of life going on around me. Better late then never a post about Easter. Last year we were able to actually dye and decorate eggs with Cameron. He had a blast doing it and we were looking forward to doing it again this year... but it didn't happen. Hey, I'm lucky he got "hunt" for eggs at all. The hiding spots for eggs outside were so well planned out too.. wait... nope. We basically forgot and when Ang got home from work that morning, she entertained Cam and babies while I ran outside to be the Easter bunny! Cam had a few good surprises in his Easter basket while the twins got plastic eggs with nothing in them. Easter bunny FAIL. O well... there is always next year. I did manage to get Cameron up to the Surprise stadium where there was a free egg hunt, face painting, visits with Easter bunny and bounce houses. We did the egg hunt and left. It was a hot mess. The lines and amounts of people there were overwhelming and Cam wasn't about to stand in line for more than 5 seconds. Enjoy some pics!

Wednesday, April 9

10 months

Yet another month down and only two more to go until my sweet babies are one. It is just flying by and I wish it would slow down. Here is what they are up to.

Eleanor- You are still my most content baby. You are starting to show a little attitude when your brothers take something you are playing with by throwing your arms around and fussing. Your newest thing is clapping your hands. We just have to say "Yaaahhhhh Eeeenie" and away you clap and smile so big. You crawl anywhere you want to go and can pull up on just about anything you can reach. You will eat anything we put in front of you and small finger foods are your favorite. You sleep all night like a good girl! Go to bed around 7:30-08:00 and wake up 7:00-07:30. Your poor skin is giving you trouble. You have a good amount of eczema on your back, behind your legs and on your arms We hope you will just grow out of it but until then we have been rubbing you down with special lotions and giving you oatmeal baths. You are mostly wearing 12 months clothes and even some of the 12 month pants/shorts are tight around your buddah belly! Still just have your two bottom teeth with no sight of any others coming soon.

Seth- You are more and more like Cameron every day. Such a little dare devil. You are on the move constantly and testing out new skills every day. You pull up on anything (including the wall). You cruise around all the furniture and reach to get to different destinations all over the living room. I think walking is in your near future. You have no fear and try anything which often results in you falling, hitting your head, and crying! You want to eat ALL THE TIME. We can not feed you often enough. I think you would eat all day if we let you. Your sleeping is getting a little better but most nights you still wake up around 5am and want a bottle. Your tummy is always growling at that time so I know you are hungry. You are tall and skinny and wear mostly 12 month tops but 9 month bottoms. You have your two bottom teeth and are getting real good at showing them off with your sweet smile!

I love my sweet little turkeys!! Stop growing up.